Master of Science in Sport and Human Performance

The Master of Science in Sport and Human Performance (MS-SHP) program functions to meet diverse needs of graduate students seeking advanced professional preparation in the areas of sports administration, sports management, exercise science, human performance, and physical education. The program has three concentrations: sports management, human performance, and exercise science, and prepares students for professional opportunities in athletic administration/management, human performance, exercise science and fitness management, as well as supervisory roles in the area of physical activity.

Admission. Requirements for admission are:

  1. A baccalaureate degree from an institution fully accredited by one of the recognized accrediting agencies.
  2. Prerequisite courses for the sport management concentration includes a course in statistics or measurement and evaluation; for the exercise science concentration a course in exercise physiology, and anatomy and physiology or kinesiology; and for the human performance concentration courses in statistics or measurement and evaluation, anatomy and physiology or kinesiology and exercise physiology.
  3. a. An overall undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) of a minimum of 2.75
    b. 3.0 on the last 60 hours of required course work.
  4. Admitted students are required to enroll in 9 hours of initial course work as specified by the division. (Prior approval is required.) NOTE: A minimum grade of B is required for each course for the initial 9 hours. A student with less than a grade point average of B in any of the three initial required courses will be allowed to repeat that course(s) one time. No additional courses toward completion of the degree may be taken until the 9-hour grade point average requirement is fully met.

Curriculum. The 30 credit-hour program has three concentrations; sports management, human performance, and exercise science.

  1. Sport Administration/Management Concentration…………………………… 30
    Core courses required PER 571, PER  602, 611, 680*; ELR 605 …………… 15
    Concentration required hours PER 617, 670, 685; MKT 540**  ……. 12
    Approved electives …………………………………………………………………………. 3
  2. Exercise Science Concentration……………………………………………………… 30
    Core courses required PER  571, 602, 611, 680*; ELR 605 ……15
    Concentration required hours PER 561***, 566, 638, 685; HSE 636*** …… 15
  3. Human Performance…………………………………………………………………….. 30
    Core courses required PER 571, 602, 611, 680*; ELR 605 ………15
    Concentration required hours PER 566, 638, 670; 685*** …………. 12
    Approved electives ………………………………………………………………………………… 3

* PER 680 requires a prerequisite of an undergraduate statistics or measurement and evaluation course.
**MKT 540 requires a prerequisite of an undergraduate introduction to marketing course.
***PER 560 & HSE 636 requires an undergraduate prerequisite of an undergraduate course in exercise physiology


THESIS OPTION: With the consent of the advisor, a candidate may elect to write a thesis for 6 semester
hours– the thesis does not replace the requirement for comprehensive exams.

Degree Requirements. A candidate for the Master of Science in Sport and Human Performance is required to meet the following:

1. Fulfill the general requirements for a graduate degree at Delta State University;
2. Complete graduate work consisting of core courses, major field concentration hours and elective hours as specified.
3. Earn a B average on the degree core courses (PER 601, 602, 611, 680 and ELR 605)
4. Pass an oral and/or written examination in the candidate’s major concentration administered by a committee appointed by the division chair.

THESIS OPTION: With the consent of the advisor, a candidate may elect to write a thesis for 6 semester hours– the thesis does not replace the requirement for comprehensive exams.


Dr. John Alvarez
Chair, HPER Division
P: 662-846-4561
F: 662-846-4571